Thank you for your interest in our research group.

        In case you're selected to join us, here are some rules you need to follow.


        1. 保持正向理性溝通 (Keep Positive Communication)

      請瞭解教授手上同時要兼顧好幾個研究工作, 運作實驗室會有不同考量, 

      若對於自己的研究工作內容或方式不滿意, 必須主動提出, 只要是正向理性的溝通, 

      我都很樂意盡全力幫你調整, 儘管溝通結果未必能保證盡如你意, 但請以正面樂觀的學習態度來加入我們

        2. 忠誠度 (Fidelity)

      一旦成為這個大家庭的一份子, 請記住你已成為造就這個實驗室大環境的因素之一, 而你的行為也關係著實驗室的榮辱, 

      當發現有人攻訐毀謗實驗室時, 請你有責任站出來, 以行動或言語捍衛實驗室的名譽

        3. 貢獻 (Make Contributions)

      實驗室提供給你的軟硬體資源, 幫助你學習成長, 請不要將這一切視為理所當然, 

      當實驗室需要你相對做出貢獻時, 不論是學術研究或教學工作上, 請務必全力以赴


        My specialty is more focused on the design and analysis issues of
        communication protocols for WLANs and WPANs, such as IEEE 802.11,
        Bluetooth, and ZigBee. Currently I'm working on the throughput
        optimization problem for CSMA-based random access networks by
        increasing spatial reuse (tuning the transmission power and
        carrier-sensing threshold) and channel diversity (exploiting
        multiple orthogonal channels available in the wireless system).
        Additional issues including QoS, fairness, and flow scheduling are
        also under investigation.

        If you join our group, you can learn both the theoretical research
        and system implementation skills. An emerging area in the wireless
        community is the software radio design, which facilitates the
        researchers to verify their ideas in a working system. I'll look
        for funding to sponsor our group's project on this aspect.

        My philosophy of leading a group is to make sure every member is a
        team-player. You should be willing to co-work with other group
        members, and help each other. I usually work closely with my
        students. For a 2-year master program, I'll allow one semester for
        the new student to explore as many topics as possible in the first
        semester. Hopefully we can nail down one specific topic at the end
        of the first semester. Once the topic is well-formulated, I expect
        you to really concentrate on your topic and produce meaningful
        results in one year. So that in the last semester, you can have
        sufficient time to summarize your contributions and finish your thesis.

        The wireless networking area is a very exciting yet competitive field.
        Do not expect to learn everything in the short 2-year master program. 
        If you are not satisfied, you may consider extending your study into the  
        PhD program.
However, if you really focus on something and go deep, 
        you are still able to produce meaningful research results as your Master thesis.

        Please prepare yourself with the right research attitude before joining us. 
        I'm patient if you learn slowly, but I'm impatient if you're just being lazy. 

        I also encourage my students to have a balanced life, working smart with 
        moderate playing for relaxing. I prefer working mostly during the semester
        running. Thus we can have a break in the winter vacation, and
        one-month break in the summer.

        You can refer to my webpage here

        Let me know which area you feel most interested in. Or you can
        decide later after you are more knowledgeable about this field.
        Should you have any other questions, you're welcome to communicate
        further with me.
